12 June 2008

New Blogger Widget for Picasa Web Albums

Notice - as of May 17, 2007 Picasa Web Albums now offers their own easy to use flash embedded slideshow, effectively making this one obsolete. Picasa Web Albums Now with Slideshows.
Everything here still works, but the native flash presentation from Picasa Web Albums is slicker and probably what you want to use if you want a slideshow.

To follow up on my previous post about Picasa Web Albums now making their data available in JSON, I've gone ahead and worked up a customizable (somewhat) one-click widget creator for the New Blogger.

The widget will work for either displaying your public albums, or for listing images from one particular album. Right now only one of these PWA widgets can be displayed on a page.

I've tried to keep it somewhat simple on the options, but here is the complete rundown of what each option means.

The first input box is where you type in your Picasa Web Albums username. Your Picasa Web Albums username is usually(the first part before the @)of your google account username, but can be changed. If you are unsure, goto Picasa Web Albums and sign in. Click on SETTINGS in the UPPER RIGHT of the page and then scroll down to your Gallery URL. Your current gallery url will be in the format
After you enter in your Picasa Web Albums username, then click the Submit link. The page will then fetch the list of albums and display their names in a drop down menu. Select the album you want to display from that list, or choose the Show All Albums option.

Display the Widgets Title -- Select whether or not to display the actual name of the widget on your blog. Defaults to displayed. The default name is Picasa Web Albums but it can be changed when adding.

Show as SlideShow -- This is a poor man's slideshow. Will display one image at a time, rotating them with their links. Is set to default to the SlideShow.

If the SlideShow is deslected, then two additional options appear. To show as either a Vertical or Horizontal strip. They do what they say. If you want a vertical strip of images choose vertical, if you want the images to line up horizontally, then choose horizontal.

Show Album Title as Header -- This sets whether to display the title at Picasa Web Albums for the selected group as a header. Defaults to displayed.

Show Border Around Image -- Sets whether to show a border around the images.

Slide Show Speed in Seconds(10 max) -- If the slideshow is selected, then this sets the interval for displaying the next image. Defaults to 5 secs. 10 seconds is the max.

Number of Images to Display (20 max) -- Sets how many images (or albums) to display. Default is All but the upper limit is 20.

Size of Thumbnails -- Sets the size of the displayed images, you have 3 choices. The default is 160px, a small 64px size, and an extra small 48px.

Border Color (in Hex) -- Sets the color of the images borders (if shown) in hexadecimal format. Default is black (#000). You can use either 3 or 6 hex numbers. The # should not be entered.

After you are satisfied with the settings, click the "Generate Widget and Code" button. You can view or use the raw code if you want (could be used on any webpage) but if you are in New Blogger then click on the "Add Picasa Web Album Widget" button.

If you have never added a one-click widget before you may want to read first the Blogger Help page "How do I add third-party page elements to my layout?" but it's pretty simple. Once the widget has been added you can drag it wherever it's needed.

The widget creator has been tested to work in will probably work from most browsers, has been tested in IE7, Firefox 2 and Opera 9. The displayed widget tested in all those and appears to work in Safari as well. I don't think it would be an issue for any browser, but you never know. Also I think I've tested just about ever possible combination of options, but I may have missed something.

So if you got this far then here is the widget creator. Widget Creator for Picasa Web Albums and New Blogger

Ricardo Santos has made a Portuguese translation available at Widgets para o blogger - Phydeaux3

Note - May 14, 2007 Post was rewritten to update the instructions for a sligtly updated version of the widget maker

Note - 4-24-07 Moved my personal Widget out of the sidebar into this post, as I need the sidebar real estate for other stuff. :-)

Note Added-3-22-07 Widget Maker Updated to work with new Picasa Web Albums API changes. Widgets made before this date most likely need to be remade to work fully.

Picasa Web Albums Example Widget

Zemanta Pixie

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