12 June 2008

Blogger Archive Calendar

From phydeaux3

I had built an archive calendar for New Blogger and had it mostly finished around the end of January and put it up here soon after. I always intended to polish it off, and put up the instructions but I kind of got a little lazy on that. I've had more than one person commenting on it the last few weeks, so here it is. Finally. I think I have pretty much tested it out, so it should work ok (although who knows). Personally I have tested it in Firefox, Opera 9 and IE7, so it at least works in those browsers. An old version worked in IE6, so I assume this one does as well (if someone can verify that it would be nice). Safari, Konqueror etc, well you guys will just have to let me know (Not that I'll do anything about it, just nice to know).

As per my usual, the setup page is offsite at my googlepage. If you run into issues with the instructions or the script than let me know. Caveats : This is for New Blogger and Layouts templates only. Classic Templates aren't supported (at least not yet). FTP blogs can't use it. Private blogs can't use it. Also, the JSON calls I use are throttled at 100 entries each, and I didn't think it was worthwhile to check for more. So if you blog more than 100 posts in a month, this isn't for you.

Blogger Archive Calendar Setup

Is the main page, with supplemental ones for styles, and configuration options.

Styles Page
Settings Page

Zemanta Pixie

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