12 June 2008

Getting an OpenID and using your blogspot url

from phydeaux3

Blogger talks about enabling support for using your blogspot (or custom domain) urls available (probably by becoming an OpenID provider as well as a consumer). But if you want it now, you can. There are several free, open, easy places to get an OpenID that you can use anywhere that supports it. MyOpenID is one, but there are others. Takes just a minute to sign up.

So to use that in a Blogger comment, you would select Any OpenID and enter in your OpenID url in the url field. For example I got one that is http://phydeaux3.myopenid.com and I can login and authenticate through MyOpenID in a similar manner as above. Only thing is, the comment links to http://phydeaux3.myopenid.com instead of here. How to change?

Well a quick google found OpenID Delegation which gives the code you can add to your blogspot template so it can function as your OpenID url. This is specific to myopenid, but other OpenID providers would be similar.

<link rel="openid.server" href="http://www.myopenid.com/server"/> <!-- For delegating OpenID v1.x-->
<link rel="openid.delegate" href="http://XXXXXXXXX.myopenid.com"/> <!-- For delegating OpenID v1.x-->
<meta http-equiv="X-XRDS-Location" content="http://XXXXXXXX.myopenid.com/xrds"/> <!-- For delegating OpenID v2.x-->

Just copy and paste the above in the head of your template. Change the XXXXXXXXX's to whatever your openid name is. Now, if I choose Any OpenID from the dropdown, I can put in http://phydeaux3.blogspot.com as the url. It will then show as the link in the comment.

While there seems to be a heated debate about Blogger removing the URL field from anonymous comments, I think this is a better system. If a little more complicated. Now I'm the only person who can use phydeaux3.blogspot.com in a Blogger comment link, so no one can impersonate me (Not like that's been a problem for me). If Blogger goes through and becomes an OpenID provider as well, and integrates it into your Blog a little easier, then it will be even better. One would hope anyway.
Zemanta Pixie

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